Friday, September 25, 2015

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Time Lapse Bedroom Wall graffiti piece

Graffiti piece I painted for a friend

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Time Lapse Dance Studio Graffiti piece June 2010

Concepts Dance Studio in Johnstown PA.
Music: "Sleepwalk" Charles Webster featuring Shana Halligan
spraypaint: Molotow Premium, Montana hardcore, Ironlak

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Second Mural for Berkey Excavating, Inc. Time Lapse

the second mural I did for Berkey Excavating in Boswell, PA. Music from Super Paper Mario.

Learning Lamp Mural Time Lapse

Time lapse video of a mural I painted for the Learning Lamp's Children's Book Festival at the ÅrtWorks in Johnstown, PA March 2009. Montana spray paint. Music by Matthew Ryan

ACRP Mural Time Lapse

Time lapse of the mural I painted for the ACRP in Johnstown PA, June 2009. Music by Perfume.

Mural for Berkey Excavating, Inc. Time Lapse

Time lapse of a mural I painted for Berkey Excavating inc, in Boswell PA. August/September 2009. I used Montana spray paint, Molotow paint markers, and acrylic paint. Music by the Brindley Brothers.

Octopus mural time lapse video

Second Mural I painted for the Concepts Dance Studio in Johnstown PA.

Dance Studio Mural

The first graffiti mural I did for the Concepts Dance Studio in Johnstown PA

Easter 2009 animation

animation I did for my church's Easter service 2009.
Voices provided by the children.

Big Kid LIttle Kid

Here's a silly little flash movie I made with my 6 year old son. Big kid is trying to steal Little kid's Nintendo DS. My son did the drawing and the voices, I just made it move.

mothers day

Christmas bunny

Merry Christmas everyone.


here's something me and my kids did for fun, sort of as a homeschooling thing, and also to help me learn how to do character animation in flash.
I've been meaning to animate something forEVER, but I was either too busy, or couldn't come up with something to animate.
so ...whew... here it is. Feels good to have broken the ice.

imo, my kids have the best cartoon voices. But I'm not biased or anything.

Ninja run cycle

here's a ninja I did in flash.

Mister Liang

silly flash animation I did. Based on an old Chinese man we met about 20 years ago at a Taiwanese baseball game. My brother Ed did the voice.